
Wonderful Wines for Thanksgiving

Group of women toasting over roast turkey

Deciding what to drink on Thanksgiving Day can be more intense and time-consuming than planning the menu itself. That’s why we’re here (and in store) to offer some tips to help you find the best wines for your Thanksgiving.

Best Wine for Thanksgiving Food

On a day seemingly dedicated to eating turkey, you may feel like you have to drink white wine. While the old rule of matching the color of the wine with the color of the meat makes for a safe bet, it’s not the hard and fast rule that it used to be. If you prefer red wines, go for it! Just look for a light-bodied red with low tannins like Pinot Noir or Grenache. If you want to stick to the more traditional white wine, look for full-bodied ones like Viognier.

And if you’d rather find a pairing for the mac & cheese – the real star of the show – focus on the type of cheese that’s used. Our experts can help you find the right wine to pair with cheddar, American, Gouda, or whatever you have in store. (Fun fact: Viogniers pair well with strong cheeses in addition to pairing with the turkey.)

Best Wine for the Host

Thanksgiving hosts deserve a lot of recognition for all the work they put in on the day. If you know the host’s taste (or are the host yourself!), pick up their favorite or ask our experts for similar recommendations. If you don’t know what the host likes, bring a sparkling wine. Even the most inexpensive champagne can feel fancy, plus there are many mixed drinks that call for it if they’re more of a cocktail person.

Best Wine for Watching Football

Football is a big part of Thanksgiving in Atlanta, whether you’re watching NFL on the day or you’re preparing for Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate. Either way, you need something that is easy drinking so you can make it all day. Low ABV wines come in all sorts of varietals but Riesling and Moscato tend to be lower ABV by nature.


When it comes down to it, the right Thanksgiving wine depends on you: what you care about most and what you like drinking. Regardless of what that is, head in to the Tap on Ponce and we’ll help you find the one that fits your Thanksgiving plans.

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Category: Wine